Children thrive when rooted in safe, nurturing homes. Every child needs and deserves the meaningful, lifelong connections of a permanent, loving family – connections referred to by child welfare professionals as permanency. Seneca provides an array of permanency-focused programs and services to help ensure that every child has a safe and loving place to call home. While the first goal of permanency is to keep children with their family of origin, our continuum of permanency programs include foster care, relative kinship care, visitation services, family finding, and adoption. Developed and practiced over the past three decades, Seneca’s evidence-informed permanency programs help ensure that each and every child, no matter how challenging their needs and circumstances, has a family to support and nurture them through childhood and into adulthood.
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Become a Parent
There are more than 60,000 children in foster care in California. Most children that enter foster care are able to reunify with their birth parents or extended relatives. Some children that enter care, are never able to return home and need permanency through adoption. Children shouldn’t have to endure any additional loss or ambiguity, so Seneca seeks families for children, not children for families. Become a parent who can care for a child unconditionally for as long as they need it, for a day or a lifetime. Become a Parent

Permanency Programs
Seneca Family of Agencies, incorporating the programs of Kinship Center and Canyon Acres, provides a wide array of permanency-focused programs and services to help ensure that every child has a safe and loving place to call home. At Seneca, we believe that a stable, loving family is fundamental to a child's health and happiness. We support families of all types through the following programs to ensure that no kid goes it alone. Services include:
- Adoption
- Foster Care
- Family Finding
- Relative Notification Services
- Relative Caregiver Support/Family Ties
- Guardianship
- Resource Family Approval