Training & Professional Development

Culture & Climate

  • Anti-Bullying
  • This training is designed to support a specific understanding of what bullying is and how to effectively intervene or prevent its occurrence, especially in school.
  • Classroom Routines
  • This training is designed to hone skills in developing and implementing classroom routines.
  • Connecting with Your Students
  • This training highlight the effects that relationships have on the learning environment and provides tools for building meaningful relationships with all students in order to develop a strong sense of community.
  • Engaging with Families
  • This training guides staff through an exploration of cultural self-reflection, intercultural awareness, barriers to and strategies for effective communication, and pathways to engagement.
  • Mindfulness Strategies in the Classroom
  • This training will help school staff understand the benefits of mindfulness and how to implement certain practices within the school day.
  • Restorative Practices 101
  • This training is designed to promote an understanding of the basic components of a Restorative Justice Circle and how this practice can be implemented in the classroom.

Students With Special Needs

  • Attention Challenges – Trauma and Attention Deficit Disorder
  • This training addresses the various causes of attention challenges in the classroom and provides concrete strategies for addressing them.
  • Foster Youth in Education
  • This training highlights how involvement in the foster cares system may impact student learning and behavior in the classroom and provides an overview of the legislation that addresses the education rights of these students.
  • Introduction to Learning Differences
  • This training introduces key learning differences that most commonly affect students and tips for differentiating instruction to support diverse student needs in the classroom.
  • Sensory Interventions
  • This training highlights the benefits of sensory interventions that can be used within the classroom to support student learning.
  • Special Education 101
  • This training supports classroom teachers in understanding their role in the IEP process, as well as parent rights and strategies for engagement.
  • Speech and Language Typical and Atypical Development
  • This training helps staff identify speech and language needs, particular for English Language Learners, and provides strategies to use in the classroom to support speech and language development.
  • Understanding Autism and Inclusion
  • This training provides participants with an overview of Autism Spectrum Disorder, including the main challenges that students experience in the classroom, and provides tools and strategies to best support their learning.

Trauma Informed Education

  • Trauma Informed Education
  • Through the development of a shared definition of trauma, school staff will be able to understand the frequency at which trauma may be occurring in the classroom, how traumatic experiences connect to classroom behavior, and what in the school environment may be triggering to students who have experienced trauma.
  • Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors
  • This training supports school staff in understanding the behavioral escalation cycle and how to develop trauma-informed strategies to both prevent and de-escalate student problem behavior.
  • Self-Care and Self Control
  • Participants will explore how working with youth who have experienced trauma can impact their own well-being, as well as strategies for developing a strong practice of self-care to maintain sustained engagement in the work.