D’Arrigo Children’s Mental Health Clinic
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Kinship Center offers mental health and counseling services to children and families touched by adoption, foster care, relative caregiving, or legal guardianship. To be eligible for these programs, a child must have Monterey County Medi-Cal or be eligible as part of the Adoption Assistance Program (AAP). Eligible children may be living with relatives, or already have been adopted, or adoption is being considered as a permanent plan. A child adopted from a county other than Monterey County may be served at the clinic if the county of origin agrees to the host county providing services.
The D’Arrigo Children’s Clinic is staffed by experienced therapists and includes psychological and psychiatric services, and occupational therapy. The clinic offers individual, family and group counseling and highlights seasonal children’s therapy camps. Services are provided in English and Spanish.
124 River Road
Salinas, CA 93908
(831) 455-4770