Ag for Kids

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Seneca’s Ag for Kids campaign unites agricultural leaders across the Central Coast to raise funds for our foster care, relative caregiver support, and children’s mental health services by creating awareness in the agriculture community about the needs of youth who cannot safely remain with their biological parents.

We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all those in our local agriculture community who have been so generous to make this campaign so successful. These funds have made a direct, positive impact on the lives of Central Coast youth.

About the programs Ag for Kids supports:

Seneca’s Central Coast Placement program recruits, trains, and prepares foster parents to care for youth in foster care for as long or as little as the youth need—be it for a day or for a lifetime. Funds raised through Ag For Kids have helped supplement our emergency fund we have on hand for children coming into our care who may need clothing and healthcare supplies, bedding, and other necessities.

Our Family Ties program works to increase healthy family functioning for families built by relatives who have stepped up to parent children who are not able to live with their biological parents. This program predominantly serves low-income families and aims to keep children out of foster care and with their relatives. Most caregivers are seniors living on fixed incomes who are experience increasing economic and emotional stress and need additional support to be successful as they begin to care for children with severe past trauma and other emotional and developmental challenges. Any relative caregiver can access Seneca’s services free of charge.

Seneca’s mental health program offers a wide range of strengths-based and outcome-oriented mental health services that annually reach hundreds of children and youth throughout the Central Coast. Clinics are staffed by experienced therapists offering individual, family, and group counseling. Our programs build upon and enhance the strengths of children and families, accelerating their progress toward attaining stability, selfsufficiency, and long-term success. Services are provided in English and Spanish.

Seneca offers intensive “Wraparound” services to children and youth at risk of losing placement or stepping down from a high level of care back into their home or community environments. The Wraparound programs are strength-based, family-driven, flexible and creative, with the goal of helping the family develop the skills and supports to prevent or reduce the possibility of loss of placement or a higher level of care for the youth. A family-based team addresses the needs of the entire family, not just the at-risk child. This family team consists of family members, natural supports, various community partners such the Department of Social Services or Probation and Seneca’s Care Coordinators, Parent Partners, Permanency Specialists and Support Counselors.


You can also send a check to Seneca with the memo “Ag for Kids”:

Seneca Family of Agencies
124 River Road
Salinas, CA 93908

For questions or more info, contact Doreen Luke:
[email protected]
(831) 262-1471

Thank you to our Ag for Kids supporters!

A&R Fresh
Alliant Insurance Services
Braga Fresh
Cal Giant Strawberries
Church Brothers
The Haynes Charitable Foundation
Coastline Family Farms
Costa Family Farms
D’Arrigo Bros. of CA
Dole Fresh Vegetables
Duda Farm Fresh Foods
Elkhorn Packing Company
Emerald Packaging, Inc
Fanciful Company
Filice Family Farms
Keith Day
Gonzalez Irrigation Systems
Graniterock Construction
Growers Ice Company
Holaday Seed Company
Huntington Farms
J.Gibbsons and Associates
J. Marchini Farms
Luis Scatini & Sons
Massolo Brothers Inc
Oceanmist Farms
Mike and Mary Orradre
R.C. Farms
Ricon FarmsRio Farms
Sabor Farms
SSB Construction
Sturdy Oil Company
Tanimura Foundation
Taylor Farms

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